Terakoya Cinema
北欧少数民族・サーミのドキュメンタリー映画 上映会
Fire Keepers
by Rosella Ragazzi 2007年 ノルウェー (57分)
日本語字幕 English/Norwegian/Saami
Japanese subtitle

若い2人のサーミ人(北部サーミ語でSápmi)であるLawra Somby と Sara Marielle Gaupは、ヨイク(yoik)を歌い、伝統的な歌い方と革新的な歌い方の間での新しい形を模索している。(サーミ人は、もともとノルウェー北部、スウェーデン、フィンランド、そしてロシアにまたがり暮していた少数民族。)
ヨイクは叙情的で音楽的なものであり、生き物、モノ、人や経験を描くだけに留まらない。サーミの文化においては、彼らもこのようなモノの一部なのである。ヨイクを歌う力は、喚起の力であり、コミュニティーの中で隠れた何かを伝達する力でもある。ヨイクを生かすことは、火の中の灰を生かすことに似ている ー 何世紀も遊牧生活を続けて来たサーミの文化において、火は最も重要なものである。

ロセラ・ラガッチ Rossella Ragazzi
This film narrates the meeting with Sara Marielle Gaup and Lawra Somby, two young performers of joik (Sami chanting technique), born in the north and the south of Sápmi (the cultural nationhood of Sami people in North Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia). They have come together through a creative musical project called “Adjágas” which in Sami means “the state between sleep and awakening”. In this peculiar state one can unveil reality and tune into the most profound and original joiks. Adjágas, in this way bring the musical-lyrical practice of joik toward the international musical scene by performing with musician of different horizons, and adapting its performances to the context of reception. The protagonists express different ways of life and concerns, relating also to what it means to be young artists with an indigenous background, having to work a way into the musical industry. It is also a film about what in the waves of the past is worth struggling for understanding, and how joik brings together everyday life, politics and spirituality and becomes a language healing the pain from the colonial history of the past.
Rossella Ragazzi (PhD)
born in Rome, Italy, is associate professor at the department of cultural sciences (Tromsø University Museum, The Arctic University of Norway).
She has been a faculty member at university of Tromsø, Freie Universität in Berlin, Dublin Institute of Technology. She has specialized on mobility, performance, minority-majority relations, memorialisation and museums, transcultural cinema.
She is a visual and museum anthropologist and an independent filmmaker. Her latest film titled “Sounding a Lighthouse” is about soundscapes and biotopes in the Nordic Sub-arctic region, and it is in a post-production phase.
She is the author of several prize-winners documentaries; among others: La Mémoire Dure (2000), At Home in the World (2003), Firekeepers (2007) as well as a number of academic publications, among others the monograph: “The Transcultural Experience of Migrant Children entering Europe in the years 2000”, Peter Lang, 2009.
Her forthcoming book, co-edited with Peter I. Crawford is titled: “Perceiving Children: Media, Education and Museum in an anthropological perspective”. Intervention Press 2018.
Rossella is also a poet and her last poem collections is titled “Miyajima, Mon amour” and it was published by LaCalliphane, France, in 2014 with illustrations by the artist Michel Vray.